Tuesday, June 19, 2007

10 Ways To Add Happiness To A Couple Relationship : by David Richards

Relationships, especially couple relationships, can be trying at times, but it's not hard to be a happy couple. Below are 10 simple, everyday ways to keep things fresh and good.

1. Make eye contact with each other. Eye contact should be made especially
a. when you are discussing something serious and
b. when you say those three little words. Come on, you know what I'm talking about!

2. Never forget to put your beloved first. Be ready to drop everything for him or her at any time. Remind yourself time after time how blessed you are.

3. Make sure you tell them how important they are to you. This is simple yet an easy thing to forget.

4. Don't take anything for granted. Remember, you two are soul mates, and you don't find soul mates every day because it is not easy to find. There is a good reason you two are together, so don't forget how special that is.

5. Keep up the physical contact with each other. When you come home from a long day at work, remember to give your partner a big hug. You don't even have to say anything at all. Physical contact helps us to remind how we feel about each other, without having to use words to express it.

6. When you have a tough and stressful day, leave the day's stresses behind. Cool down; time spent with your partner should be relaxing. It should be the best time of the day; the time you look forward to.

7. Find out what are your dreams as well as your partner's dreams. Share these with each other. This will help to draw you together. You should always be honest about what you want out of life and your relationship. If you don't say it, how can he or she know?

8. Give each other gifts for no reason. You would be amazed what a boost this gives to a relationship between man and woman. When they ask you what it is, just tell them that you thought of them when you saw the thing you purchased.

9. Always be supportive to your partner. Tell them clearly that whatever trials and troubles they have, you will be there by their side. Weathering the storm together will strengthen your love, make it stronger. Knowing that nothing will break you apart. also gives you confidence,

10. Listen men: Opening the door for her is always a good thing to do as well as compliment her new hairdo or clothes. Remember to keep the toilet seat down. Somebody will that such things sound insignificant. If you are among them, you need to keep this list in your breast pocket and get to studying it!

About The Author
David Richards likes to give his readers Self development information and articles. You can read more at http://www.1st-self-improvement.net.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Surviving a Break-up : by Joanne B. Parrotta

So you’ve just gone through a devastating break-up. My heart goes out to you. There is nothing quite as painful as being dumped by someone you thought was the One. I know you’re probably feeling like your heart has been ripped out and stomped on and that your hopes and dreams have been shattered. Do what you have to do (within reason, of course) to grieve this loss—cry, get angry, punch your pillow, throw darts at your ex’s picture.

One thing you should not do, however, is visit, phone, email, or text you ex. You should have no contact whatsoever. Accept the fact that it is over and make a clean break. Keep your dignity intact. Trust me on this—in the long run you’ll be glad you did.

Thoughts of revenge may be going though your head, but please, don’t act on them. Don’t spread rumours, don’t betray old secrets, and don’t date or make out with his/her best friend to get even. Never resort to behaviour that you will regret in the future. Always act with class and remember that the best revenge is for your ex to see that you are doing just fine without him/her. You’ve moved on and are happy.

Keep in mind that just because someone has broken up with you, it doesn’t mean he or she no longer cares about you—it just means he/she no longer wants a relationship with you. It’s very likely that breaking up with you was just as hard on him/her as it was on you. If you take revenge, any affection that this person feels for you could turn into hatred, and any chance you may have to re-establish a relationship (even if it’s just as friends) will be shattered.

Have a pity party if you must, but do it in private. Then get off the couch, wipe those tears, and move on. It’s wise to hold off on romantic relationships for a while. Give yourself some time to heal from this relationship. Work on rebuilding your life and rekindling old friendships you might have neglected when you were in the relationship.

You may not realize it yet, but a new life has just opened up for you. While right now your break-up may seem negative, it really was all for the best. You have just been given another chance to find your Mr. or Ms. Right.

Love and blessings,
Joanne B. Parrotta
Author of A Matter of Destiny

Friday, June 15, 2007

Why Do you Want to Get Married? by : Eaindar

Going into marriage is a life long commitment. Therefore, you should find out the actual reason “Why do you want to get married?” before getting into marriage.

Followings are some good reasons to get married:-

You want to enjoy lifelong companionship and mutual support.

You truly love your chosen partner and want to be part of that person’s life.

You want to work together to build your own family, share all good things and bad things, have fun together, including the joy of having children and taking responsibility of raising the children.

You are fully prepared and ready to make a lifelong commitment with someone that you care and love very much for.

You should not go into marriage based on the followings:-

- to avoid family problems.

- to avoid loneliness or feelings of insecurity.

- to give way to family or peer pressure.

- to have a fear of being left on the shelf.

- to deal with premarital pregnancy.

After all, Marriage is something which you have to learn to live with another person for your life time. That is the reason; you should carefully think and find out the actual reason for getting married before jumping into a lifelong commitment.

More information on having a happy relationship can be found at http://stepbystephappyrelationship.blogspot.com.

About the Author
EaindarPlease visit http://stepbystephappyrelationship.blogspot.com for more tips on having happy relationships with your love ones. If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including live link to http://stepbystephappyrelationship.blogspot.com.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tips on Resolving Conflicts by : Eaindar

Who in this world never had conflicts in their life-time? Every one of us has conflicts with our love ones once in a while. Just because of these conflicts, will we ignore all the good times that we had with our love ones? The answer is “NO”.

Followings are some tips on resolving conflicts:-

Don’t ignore the problem

Once the issue arises, solve it at once even if it is at mid-night. Don’t let it stay unresolved for a prolonged period. In that way, all the parties involved in that issue can have a good time after solving the problem.

Don’t blame the other person

Find out the root of problem first. Settle the specific issues and do not attack the other person. Avoid blaming on the other person. Don’t drag up past issues.

Don’t erupt with emotions

Solve the problem with good communication techniques. Try to understand the other person’s perspective before trying to explain your point of view.

Don’t complain to others about your problem

When there is a problem between you and your partner, do not go around and tell this problem to other people. It is best that you and your partner solve the problem by yourselves. Outsiders can never understand the problem between you and your partner. Instead, they will start to side with the person closest to them and add fuel to fire.

The most important thing about conflicts is not how to avoid them, but how to manage them with cool heart.

More information on having a happy relationship can be found at http://stepbystephappyrelationship.blogspot.com/.

About the Author
Please visit http://stepbystephappyrelationship.blogspot.com/ for more tips on having happy relationships with your love ones. If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including live link to http://stepbystephappyrelationship.blogspot.com/.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

How to Nurture Love and Relationship by: Fritz Blanc

Can you find love love without relationship or relationship without love? It all boils down to what you are looking for, or what you are ready to give. You have to be willing to nurture love. You have to be willing to nurture relationship. As the saying goes, do unto others as you'd like done unto you.

If we take a deeper look inside love and relationship, we can see that there are a few components or rules of engagements, if you prefer, that one has to follow in order to have lasting and enjoyable love and relationship.

Laying the foundation is a must in order to have a long-lasting relationship. After that, we can look at compatibility or incompatibility, good communication, hability to share, etc.

What is the definition of a good relationship? It is one based on trust, love, and faith, self-control and sharing. When one partner is giving more than the other one, this is not love. One is taking advantage of the other. When one partner trusts that his or her partner is faithful and trustworthy while the partner is out spreading it around like there is no tomorrow then someone is bound to get hurt.

Friendship is commitment between two or more people, and often friends join in activities. Friendship should also be about having fun together, entertain one another, and good communication. True friends will go the extra mile for the sake of the relationship. Friends will not interfere with each other’s life, unless the friend sees the need to address an issue that is causing the friend harm, or about to cause him/her harm.

Friends that develop into serious intimate relationships, often work through somekind of arrangement regardless of the storms laid before them. Friendship before intimacy is the way to go, since the two have an overview of the others behaviors, habits, personality, skills, et cetera.

Mistakes are a part of life, and we should all learn from our mistakes. When a person learns from their mistakes, it illustrates loyalty and commitment. Mistakes made in relationship can help us appreciate humanity, love as well as life itself.

A good relationships include giving and taking. When one partner is giving more than the other is, the result of that will be failure. Giving includes intimacy, caring, sharing, understanding et cetera. When two people share they are giving the best of each other, thus the relationship often leads to love. Giving is one of the elements that compose love. Love is the ultimate of it all. Don't we all want to love or be loved?

About The Author
Fritz Blanc
Please visit Fritz's web site on love and relationship http://www.selfconfidence-selfesteem.info/love/

Chris Rock- View on Love and Relationships

Chris Rock - View on Love and Relationships

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

“My parents had a very good relationship,” I often hear my clients say.

“What do you mean by good?” I ask.

“They didn’t fight. They spent a lot of time with each other.”

That may have been the definition of a good relationship years ago, but now most people want more. Following are ten signs of a healthy relationship.


Is kindness more important to each of you than having your way, being in control, or being right? Do you each receive joy out of being kind to each other? Being kind rather than controlling with each other is essential for a healthy relationship.


Do you and your partner well up with warmth and fullness of heart for each other and express it with affection? Are you each able to see the beautiful essence within each other, rather than just the faults? Are you able to get beyond the outer to the unique inner Self of each other? Do you enjoy sharing affection? Warmth and affection are vital for a healthy relationship.


Can the two of you laugh and play together? Do you appreciate and enjoy each other’s sense of humor? In the midst of difficulties, can you help each other to lighten up with humor? Can you let down and be playful with each other, letting yourselves be like kids together? Laughter and fun play a huge role in a healthy relationship.


Are you both each other’s favorite person to spend time with? Are you motivated to set aside time just to be together?

Do both of you have friends and interests that you enjoy doing? Are both of you fine when you are not together?

Some couples spend a lot of time together because they really enjoy it, while others spend a lot of time together out of fear of being alone. It is important for a healthy relationship for each person to have friends and interests, so that they are not dependent on each other. Dependency is not healthy in a relationship, particularly emotional dependency.


All relationships have some conflict. It is not the conflict that is the issue, but how you deal with it. Do you have a method for resolving conflict, or do the issues just keep getting swept aside? If fighting is part of how you deal with conflict, do you fight fair, or are you hurtful when you fight?


If one or both of you get angry, do you hang on to it, punishing your partner with it, or can you easily let it go? In healthy relationships, both partners are able to quickly move on, back into kindness and affection.


Do you each trust that the love is solid, even in very difficult times between you? Do you each know that you can mess up, fail, disappoint the other, emotionally hurt the other – and the love will still be there? Do you each know that the love is about who you are, not what you do? This level of trust is essential for a healthy relationship.


Do you each feel heard, understood and accepted? Can you share your secrets with your partner without fearing being judged? Are you each more interested in learning about yourselves and each other than you are in controlling each other? Is listening to each other with an open heart and a desire to understand more important than judging each other or defending yourselves?


Is your sexual relationship warm and caring? Can you be sexually spontaneous? Can you talk with each other about what brings pleasure to each of you?


Do you each feel free to be all that you are? Do you each feel supported in pursuing what brings you joy? Does your partner feel joy for your joy?

While some people may naturally be open, kind, affectionate, accepting, and emotionally responsible for themselves, most people need to heal the fears and false beliefs they learned in their families. Healthy relationships evolve as each person evolves in his or her ability to be loving to themselves and each other.

About The Author
Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner bonding now! Visit her website for a FREE Inner Bonding course: http://www.innerbonding.com/ or email her at mailto:margaret@innerbonding.com. Phone sessions available.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

How Can I Tell My Partner I Don't Like The Way He Makes Love To Me? by: Cucan Pemo

If you are having some trouble in the bedroom, you may be feeling a little discouraged. This can be a hard time for you and your partner. If you do not like the way that your partner is making love to you, you need to do something about it. This is after all, one of the most important parts of your relationship. You need to make sure that you both are satisfied both emotionally and physically as well.

You will want to have the most pleasurable time with your partner when it comes to love making. You need to be honest and up front with them so that they can change something to make it better. This is the only way the situation will get better and you can be happier with all aspects of your love life.

You simply have to talk with your partner so that you can get it all out in the open. You need to make sure that you are keeping the lines of communication open between the both of you so that you can get the problems sorted out. Maybe it is just a matter of needing something new and exciting in your love life.

What do women look for in lovemaking, and why?

Women want to have sensitivity. Most women want to have their partner completely connected with them so that they know that they are loved. No woman wants to be in a relationship that is based solely on her sexual activity. They want more than just that. They want to have an emotional and physical bond with their mate as well.

It is important to have the before and after in lovemaking. Women want to have the bonding before and the talking after. They want to know that they are special and that their mate is as attracted to them as they are to the other person. It is important to have the special connection that is found between lots of happy couples.

What turns women on, and why?

Women are different from men when it comes to love making. They want to have the special bond together with their partner. When two people are in love and they want to be together, they will have to spend time with each other and getting to know about the other person. Women want to have excitement and energy in their lovemaking. They want to have that spur of the moment fling every once in a while and at the same, they like to be romanced.

It will depend on the woman and what she really wants in her love life. Women are different and there will be different preferences for each of them. When it comes to love making, the woman and the man need to figure out a way to meet the needs of both. For a healthy and loving relationship that is going to last, it is very crucial that both partners are getting what they need in the love making process.

You can try putting some romance and spice into your love life. Do not be afraid to try new things and if it is not something that works out, then at least you know and you gave it a shot. You will never know unless you give it a try.

How can I tell my partner I don't like the way he makes love to me without hurting or offending him?

When you are simply not happy in the bedroom, you need to find a way to be open and honest with your partner. You may not want to end the relationship because you have other special bonds with each other and you have put a lot of commitment into this relationship.

However, you need to be ready to stand up for what is important in your lovemaking. You have to make sure that you are talking to your partner on a regular basis. Being honest is better than holding it all inside. You want to open up the lines of communications so that there can be a change and both of you can be satisfied and go on with your special relationship.

You must carefully explain to the other person how you are feeling and what it is that you want exactly. You should not be embarrassed about this situation and in fact use it for a good lesson. You need to be able to tell your partner anything so that you can feel comfortable and have an open and honest relationship.

Usually when you are in a loving and caring relationship, you will find that this is easy to take care of. Your partner will want to make you as happy as they can and the same with you. If your partner does the news badly that you are not happy with the love making in the relationship, maybe it is not meant to be and you should move on. However, if you are in a serious and committed relationship, you can work through this problem just as you would any other situation that can come up between couples.

About The Author
Cucan Pemo What Men Want – What Men Need – What Men Secretly Desire http://www.500secretsaboutmen.com/aboutmen.html Take a peek into his inner world and know what your man wants today! Secrets about his inner desires, wants and needs all revealed! Tons of useful tips, stories, news, amazing surveys, free articles about men. Discover what men want and how you can allow him to fall hopelessly in love with you! Click here! http://www.500SecretsAboutMen.com

The Big Question for Any Relationship by: Neil Millar

I’ve got one big question. It’s a question that will make everything in your relationship completely worthwhile… even the bits that get on your nerves and cause you head and heart aches…

It’s the type of question you wouldn’t ordinarily ask - but that’s okay, because you didn’t know to ask it… until now!

For most people, relationships don’t go smoothly. Undercurrents, disputes, emotions, periods, children, habits, morals, values, work hours and workloads, these are just a few of the kind of things that can cause conflicts. But what if I told you something…

What if I told you it’s not about the issue?

My philosophy is that no issue is bigger than the relationship. If we’re honest it’s never really the issue that causes the problem. What causes the problem is the emotions behind the issue.

And what causes the emotions?

What causes the our relationship conflicts is, at the core, very rarely the issue that’s in front of us now. This may seem hard to take at first so let me explain a little more.

When we react to something someone says or does we are in effect re-acting - behaving in way we acted before. This is what we might call learned behaviour. We may have learned that behaviour in a number of ways: watching our parents behaviour in a relationship, seeing it on TV, our own experience etc.

Are these learned re-actions appropriate in all circumstances?

I’d say no. A few days ago my partner made a sweeping statement that… well… to be frank, pushed all my buttons. What she said was like a red rag to a bull. Thankfully I caught myself before any real damage was done. I immediately knew there was nothing wrong with what she had said, or how she had said it. But the words she used, reminded me of someone else and a pattern of behaviour I ran with them. This is the type of conditioned, unconscious, response I’m talking about.

If your partner presses your buttons does it mean the relationship bad?

Conflict doesn’t have to mean the relationship is bad. It can indicate that you, or your partner, or most probably both of you, on occasions, have some things that you need to become more aware of. If you can begin to view your relationship as a playground to work these things out, the relationship can become a whole new arena of fun and games. And this is where my question can really help…

My question will get you thinking about the how you can help yourself and your relationship become a harmonious haven rather than a gladiator’s ring. It will help you be a more understanding person for your partner and it will help to spare you from saying things you’ll regret later.

The question is profoundly simple. But when you ask it and use the outcome effectively you begin to take your relationship onto a new level. Things that used to cause you problems will vanish. And when new things come up they’ll have very little power.

When you find your buttons have been pushed the question you have to ask is this: What’s this really about?

Simple isn’t it. But it takes you right to the heart of the matter. As I said, relationship conflict is rarely about an issue and more to do with the conditioned responses.

By asking my question what you do is take the conditioned behaviour and transform it into the conscious. In effect what begins to happen is this: you move beyond the past conditioned response that causes conflict and are left with the current issue. This question allows you to understand what’s going on inside you. Knowing this means you can then bypass the past and deal with what is currently before you.

But what if you don’t want to move beyond the past?

Then I guess you’ll continue to re-act it out… until the pain and loss get the better of you.

My very good wishes

About The Author
Neil Millar I hope that my newsletter, on creating a better life, will help you create a life you deserve. Find out more at http://www.neilmillar.net.

50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships

Have you ever known a couple that seemed to be on cloud nine all the time? To strangers they would appear to be newlyweds, but in reality they have been together for years.